Missional Communities
What are missional Communities?
They are church... but maybe different from what you think church is...
It's like minded people gathering together with a common interest, and Jesus is the centre...
Most communities normally meet once a month at different times and days.
What communities are there?
These are new to church life and we're still exploring different groups.
Some groups are location based, some are activity oriented. Click on the group to find out when and where they meet, and who you can contact for more information...
The Gathering Place
1st Sunday of the Month, 10.30am Uppingham Town Hall
For more info email thegatheringplace@oakhambaptist.org.uk
Walking Church
3rd Sunday of the month, meets at OBC building 10am
For more info email thewalkingchurch@oakhambaptist.org.uk
Martha's Place
The 3rd Monday of every month at 2.30pm located at the OBC building
For more info email marthasplace@oakhambaptist.org.uk