Ministries at OBC

Oakham Baptist Church believes that any injustice, inequality or depravation in our community is not in keeping with God's will for us as His people.
We believe part of the church's calling is to bless and prosper the community we are in. As such OBC engages in a number of projects for both adults and young people to provide county-wide services that improve the lives of every resident here in Rutland.

Serving Rutland

04- Serving Rutland

You can find out more about how we Serve Rutland here



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Christians Against Poverty
Debt is one of the main factors that contribute to a breakdown of relationships, mental health crises and an underlying factor to many other problems faced in our county. OBC is a church that supports Christians Against Poverty, as well as other debt relief organisations in and around Oakham. If you'd like to find out more about CAP and how you can get in touch with our local debt centre team, click here.

CAP Life Skills
Not only do we believe in relief form debt, but that the causes of debt must be combatted. CAP Life Skills is a friendly group that gives people the confidence and decision making skills they need to survive life on all incomes. We teach people practical money saving techniques, such as cooking on a budget, living healthily on less, and making your money go further.
Find out more about CAP Life Skills here.

Community Lunch & Café
Originally started as a social gathering for Rutland's Ukrainian guests, the Café has become a place for everybody no matter what your background and all are welcome.
Loneliness and isolation are large concerns in our culture. Every Friday we run an open space with a free lunch, loads of cakes, games, table-tennis and other fun things for all ages. Everything is free and it is a great place to come together with others.

Clothing Bank
Oakham Baptist Church hosts the Rutland Clothing bank, supplying clothes to those in need throughout the county. You can donate, give and volunteer through OBC, or if you would like to access this ministry for you or somebody you know then get in touch at You can find out more information here.

Drug and Alcohol Support
OBC hosts and assists with numerous groups aimed to tackle addiction in all forms. If you suffer with addiction to any and all mind altering substances then get in touch with Cocaine Anonymous every Tuesday 7.30pm at OBC.

Prison Leavers
If you are a prison leaver you are welcome at OBC. We are a member of The Welcome Directory and we will do all we can to help you feel supported and welcome here in Oakham. Whether you are returning to the community after some time away, or this is your first time in the community, drop into the church building.

Other ministries
There are various men's and women's ministries as well as mid-week life groups where friends meet to do life together.

If you'd like to know more and ask what is on for you then get in touch.

OBC also hosts numerous community groups and charitable organisations throughout the week. From Rutland Council services to drug and alcoholics anonymous, what ever group you're looking for, check out the church calendar to see when they're meeting.