Explore Info

Explore leaders (1)
This term we are looking at the series Life of Jesus.
The volunteers and topics for each week are listed below - please be aware that there are sometimes last minute changes to the rota which may not be updated here.

16th February: Teaching on Salvation
Annie and Gertie

23rd February: Teaching on Faithfulness
Madeleine and Rachel

2nd March: Jesus Teaching about Himself
Val and Nicola

9th March: Teaching on Redemption
Zach and Rachel

16th March: Transfiguration
Val and Gertie

23rd March: Triumphal Entry
Annie and Nicola

30th March: The Last Supper
Zach and Rachel

6th April: Garden of Gethsemane
Annie and Gertie

13th April: Trial of Jesus
Val and Nicola